A Guide to Online Internship

Because of the implementation of the lockdown, most students no longer have the option of participating in typical internships in person. Since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic, the number of people participating in online internships has increased significantly as a viable option.

But what precisely does it mean to participate in an online internship? Which companies offer these to customers? Do employers view them with the same level of respect as traditional internships?

What is an "Online Internship"?

Students can complete a work placement as a virtual internship from the convenience of their own homes. During their internships, students can keep in touch with their internship hosts through various mediums, such as Skype, Microsoft Teams, email, webinars, and Slack.

The intern will have a remote meeting with their supervisor to discuss the various tasks and their overall progress. Critical times for virtual coffee breaks or catching up with coworkers online may also be reserved.

Online internships, also known as remote internships, can look excellent on your resume and provide you with practical professional experience when applying for graduate jobs and interviews for those jobs.

What are the advantages of an Online Internship?

The following are some additional benefits of participating in a remote internship:

  • You will not be required to commute and can work from anywhere, saving you money on rent and travel expenses. This is in contrast to regular internships, in which you would be expected to commute.

  • Your resume will benefit from working from home because it will help you become more self-disciplined and improve your time management, in addition to giving you work experience.

  • Working for an international company will put you in contact with people worldwide, allowing you to broaden both your cross-cultural and global perspectives.

What are the disadvantages of an Online Internship?

The following are some of the many elements that can contribute to the drawbacks of participating in online internships:

1. The capacity of the company to effectively communicate with its interns.

If your boss does not offer you clear objectives, if you do not receive regular feedback, or if you feel unable to answer the question, the internship will not be as straightforward as you had anticipated it to be.

During the interview, please discuss the following aspects of the role: Ask questions about the expectations placed on you throughout the internship and how your progress will be monitored.

2. Your driving force or motivation

If you need help keeping motivated on your own, a virtual internship, which involves self-discipline and self-motivation, may require more work to complete successfully.

Your internship may require you to work a set number of hours per week or assign tasks to complete each day. In any scenario, you must determine your working hours and remain steadfast to them, just as you would if you were physically present.

3. Lack of previous experience working in an office environment

In-person internships provide graduates with experience working with a team in an office setting, which cannot be obtained through online internships.

Despite this, it is still possible to work in a group by using online networking applications such as Skype and Microsoft Teams.

How to Get Past Challenges While Participating in an Online Internship

The following is a list of possible problems you may encounter when participating in an online internship, as well as some recommendations to assist you in dealing with these problems.

Misunderstandings amongst co-interns International virtual internships unite students and workers from different countries worldwide. In a virtual world with so many different locations, there will inevitably be times when you need help seeing one other, which might lead to confusion and miscommunication. You have to train yourself ineffective forms of digital communication because those talents will be in great demand very soon. Even if it may be challenging at first, you should keep in mind that this can help you communicate more effectively:

1. Inadequate motivation

Internships completed from a remote location provide an outstanding opportunity for professional growth and networking in times of pandemic. The question now is: how can we keep this drive alive and healthy? When feeling down, it can be helpful to remember why you decided to pursue the remote internship. You probably joined up intending to gain work experience, learn digital or soft skills, practice languages, meet new people, and achieve other similar goals. It is crucial to keep all of this in mind and acknowledge that your internship is an investment in your future success in your profession and academic pursuits. Don't give up; you're making progress, so keep it up!

2. A failure to properly organize oneself

When you combine working from home and going to school simultaneously, managing your workload could become more complex. You do not have to adhere to a predetermined work schedule, nor do you have a supervisor that monitors your every move. Internships online are a fantastic way to hone organizational and time management abilities, which are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. There are a lot of free tools, both online and offline, that you can use to help you plan out your schedule. You may use Doodle or Sticky Notes, Google Calendar, or Microsoft Teams tasks, in addition to several other web services. You could also note deadlines and meetings on a weekly-view paper calendar. This would be another option.

3. Diversions

Being in your own environment might make doing an internship from home pretty comfortable, yet, it can also be quite distracting due to factors such as roommates, noisy siblings, the television, social media, and other things. You are obligated to set boundaries while maintaining a professional demeanor and self-control. Remember that there is time both for work and for play. Maintain your focus on the task at hand. You might succeed with one or more of the organizational techniques discussed above. If you feel yourself beginning to tire while carrying out an activity, stop what you're doing and take a rest. According to several studies, the most effective way to boost productivity is to take brief breaks frequently rather than to take extended breaks alone.

4. Setups and Installations

Because you are starting an on-site internship at a new company, in a new role, with additional international colleagues, and so on, you may have feelings of being overwhelmed and frightened when you first get started. Having to complete a virtual internship while also working from home presents its own set of challenges. Because this is your first time, you can feel ineffective, especially if you meet new employees who seem more engaged or interested in what is happening. This is especially true if you meet new coworkers more interested in what is happening. First, make sure you've had a few good, deep breaths. Second, you know that even though the beginning is challenging for most of us, you will eventually become an expert in your jobs and skills. Third, keep in mind that the purpose of your internship is to gain knowledge, which requires a time investment. Do not compare yourself to others; your coworkers may have different backgrounds, professional paths, and skills; as a result, you should concentrate on yourself and your own way to success rather than comparing yourself to others.

5. Isolation

Because of the pandemic, we were compelled to spend most of our time inside, isolated from our families, closest friends, and workplaces. We used to get together for social events far more frequently than we do now. However, remote internships can provide you with more people to connect with, which can assist you in overcoming the effects of being alone. You will have the opportunity to meet new people from different places, exchange experiences and sentiments, and possibly establish deeper relationships with pen pals who you may encounter in person. It is recommended that current interns contact one another on social media and begin interacting as soon as possible.

An internship done online is the same as an internship done remotely from the company's office, which means you won't need to move to participate. Instead, you work from the comfort of your own home, the campus of your college, or anywhere else you can access the Internet. However, you are held to the same standards as your coworkers based in the office.

Are There Any Drawbacks to a Remote Internship?

While a small internship program may be beneficial, it may also have certain drawbacks. An office internship frequently provides better structure, assistance, and coaching. You may only be able to interact with your boss and colleagues sometimes, and you may have fewer opportunities for socializing than you would on a typical day in the office.

This means that distant interns may need help developing workplace manners. Even if working from home in your sweatpants is enjoyable, being fully entrenched in office culture will not benefit you. Furthermore, you may need help prioritizing your responsibilities and maintaining enthusiasm to complete your work.

How to Complete a Successful Remote Internship

Remote work has unique challenges. As a remote intern, you should have a distinct set of tools, a different routine, and communication tactics than an on-site intern. By being aware of these challenges and devising a strategy, you may be prepared for a remote internship.

Know what technology you require before you require it.

Every internship is unique in terms of technology. Most, though, require a dependable laptop and a strong Wi-Fi connection.

Although your firm may offer you a computer and other office tools at home, other internships require you to use your own computer. Know what tools you'll need before starting your remote internship.

Make confident that your Wi-Fi is fast.

When working remotely, your Wi-Fi connection must be dependable and powerful enough to allow you to work continuously.

Wi-Fi speed is affected by the number of users on the network. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recommends a minimum download speed of 12 to 25 Mbps ( for the sole user on the web). When two or more users are connected to the network, the FCC recommends at least 25 Mbps.

Make a Schedule

Your daily work plan may resemble a defined timetable that runs from beginning to end. Alternatively, your routine may consume a sizable chunk of the time you set aside for work or leisure activities.

Working from anywhere, including in your bed, is a terrific deal. However, the lines between your personal and professional lives may blur without a schedule, leading to burnout and overwork. To avoid this, set boundaries between your work hours and your leisure time.

A regular workday may include lunch and exercise breaks. Setting a specific time and location to do your task will help you stay focused and productive.

You can use a time management strategy like the Pomodoro Technique to improve your attention and combat fatigue. Remember to set out time for both eating and exercising.

Create a Line of Communication with Your Boss

If you have an open communication channel with your boss, you may clarify your responsibilities and ask questions as needed. Because your remote internship is a learning experience, having your supervisor's support may benefit your company and you.

If your manager still needs to establish regular meeting times, inquire when they are available. Weekly updates are an excellent place to start. As you build confidence in your position, you may decide to meet every other week.

Clarify your supervisor's communication norms and processes as well. Some managers, for example, may choose collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Teams or Slack. Some people may prefer email.

Still wondering how to find an Online Internship? Fill out this form for more information.